Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cornmeal Polenta

 Traditional Italian dish

4 1/2 c. water or broth
1 c. cornmeal, not the self-rising variety
1/2 t. salt
1/2 c. grated parmesan or other cheese (optional)
1 t. Italian seasoning (optional)
In a heavy saucepan bring water or broth to a boil. 
While rapidly whisking the boiling liquid slowly drizzle in the cornmeal.
Continue to whisk the mixture as it rises to a second boil.
Lower the heat, and stir frequently as it cooks.
The polenta is done when it is thick enough to stand up a spoon.
Stir in cheese, if desired.

Serve polenta topped with your favorite pasta sauce and grilled vegetables.

Or serve polenta plain with butter, like our pioneer ancestors ate it. 

For breakfast: Pioneers also served "corn meal mush" the next day
after. They sliced the "mush" and fried it quickly in butter or bacon fat for a hot breakfast before
beginning the day's journey on the trail.